Your ability to engage with the world after SCI starts with your home.
Whether you’re looking for a new job or would like assistance at your current job, there are organizations ready to help.
These agencies and organizations can help you to make simple modifications to your home, improving your living situation and mobility.
General Resources
Home Access Program
The Home Access Program is an initiative started by Handi-Ramp, a company that has been manufacturing handicap accessible ramps since 1958. The program helps individuals and families find realtors who can assist in the search for a handicap accessible home or consultants who can modify a current home.
Barrier Free Home
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program provides vocational and rehabilitative services to individuals with disabilities to help them prepare for, secure, regain or retain employment.
Washington, D.C./ Federal Resources
DC Independent Living
DoRS helps people with physical, emotional, intellectual, developmental, sensory and learning disabilities go to work and keep their jobs by providing services such as career assessment and counseling, assistive technology, job training, higher education and job placement.
DC Housing Search
DC Housing Search is the District of Columbia’s free affordable housing listing and search engine, where you can find everything from accessible homes to affordable rental and for-sale homes. Users can also find helpful resources such as renter’s rights information, assistance programs, and an affordability calculator.
Home Improvement Loan Program
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) insures loans made by participating lenders. Contact HUD for a list of lenders who offer Title 1 Loans.
Veterans Affairs
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) insures loans made by participating lenders. Contact HUD for a list of lenders who offer Title 1 Loans.
Maryland Resources
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development offers a program for accessibility related improvements to the homes of seniors.
Local Counseling Agencies in Maryland:
Housing & Community Initiatives, Inc., Gaithersburg, (301) 590-2765
Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Greater Washington, Rockville, (301) 590-1010
Sowing Empowerment and Economic Development, Riverdale, (301) 458-9806
Southern Maryland Tri-County Community Action Committee, Inc., Hughesville, (301) 274-4474
Greater Washington Urban League, Hyattsville, (301) 985-3519
Maryland Home and Community Based Services
Through Maryland’s Long Term Services and Supports programs, older adults and individuals with disabilities are able to access person-centered services and supports in their communities that are designed to improve their quality of life.
For Medicaid Questions in Maryland: (410) 767-5800 or (800) 492-5291
Virginia Resources
Emergency Home and Accessibility Repair Program
The program provides funds to remove urgent, emergency health and safety hazards. It also addresses physical accessibility barriers for low-income Virginians. The program provides funding to local administrators to undertake physical repairs that improve housing conditions. Eligible repairs can include plumbing, structural, electrical, roofing, as well as installation of wheelchair ramps and other accessibility modifications.
Granting Freedom
Granting Freedom is a grant program for home modifications for disabled veterans and service members who sustained a line-of-duty injury resulting in a service connected disability. VHDA partners with the Virginia Department of Veterans Services to make this program available.